Practice Information
Our Services
Male and Female General Practitioners are available and offer an extensive range of family healthcare services including:
- General consultations
- Phone consultations (by approval)
- COVID-19 & flu vaccinations - paid flu vaccines now available
- Travel vaccinations and immunisation including Yellow Fever (by appointment)
- Immunisation of children
- Cervical screening & breast examinations
- 24 hr BP monitoring
- Mirena and Implanon insertions
- Iron infusions
- Insurance, Drivers Licence & Lifestyle evaluation checks by appointment
- Executive Health Checks – a 2-½ hour complete San Health Assessment
- Mental Health Care Services
- On-site psychologist available on Tuesdays
- Health Care Assessments for patients over 75 years old
- Health Care Assessments for patients 45-49 years old
- Aboriginal Health Checks
- Electrocardiograms (resting and exercise)
- Minor operation theatre
- Pathology collection
- Multilingual nursing staff (Cantonese, Mandarin & German)
- Multilingual doctors (Farsi & Sinhalese)
Repeat Prescription Service
We offer a Repeat Prescription Service providing patients meet the following criteria:
- The service is available for existing patients ONLY
- Scripts will only be issued from the current treating doctor
- Patients must have been seen by this doctor in the last 3 months
- ONLY for repeat prescriptions, not new scripts
- Service is offered at the doctors’ discretion based on clinical grounds
- There is a flat rate of $20.00, PRIVATE billing, no rebate
- Timeframe for completion is 5 business days
- It is NOT available for addictive medications including tranquilizers and opioids
- A hard copy prescription is to be picked up from the Medical Centre ONLY (no e-script)
- Phone the San GP Centre on 02 9480 9700 for this service.